Beebe Auxiliary Celebrates 82 Years with Largest Gift To Beebe Healthcare Yet
232 active members. 85 new members this year. 28,500 hours contributed. And, all at the young age of 82.
The Beebe Auxiliary has been contributing to Beebe Healthcare in a vast number of ways for its 82-year history, and these are just a few, shared outgoing Auxiliary President Nancy Tartaglione during the annual luncheon, held May 2 at the Virden Center.
“Our volunteers are dedicated and hard-working,” Nancy said. From the Treasure Chest Thrift Shop (located beside the go-kart track at Midway) to the Gift Shop at the medical center in Lewes, you can’t turn a corner without soon seeing an Auxiliary member.
The Auxiliary craft group makes items to sell, the book sale team hosts sales at Beebe locations to raise funds, and the events team plans the annual Plant Sale and Family Fun Fest at East Coast Garden Center, held this year on May 5.
Over the years, Beebe Auxiliary has raised funds for the Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing, the Chapel at the medical center, the Georgetown Health Campus, two hyperbaric chambers at Beebe Wound Healing, special wheel chairs for patients visiting the medical center and Tunnell Cancer Center, new navigational bronchoscopy equipment, and much more.
In the past seven years, Beebe Auxiliary has raised more than $2.5 million for Beebe Healthcare. Last year, the Auxiliary made a commitment to raise $1.8 million over five years for Beebe’s services and facilities expansion as part of the Beebe Medical Foundation’s “I Believe in Beebe” campaign.
This year’s check, which totaled $315,000, will go toward that campaign and allow Beebe to continue to serve patients throughout eastern and southern Sussex County.
“Our Auxiliary is a huge part of creating the next generation of care,” said Rick Schaffner, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Beebe Healthcare. “They are assisting us in caring for our friends, our neighbors, and our family. We thank you so much for all you do.”

Introducing New Officers
The annual luncheon is also a time for Beebe Auxiliary to thank its outgoing officers and introduce new officers. Every two years, new officers are elected.
Officers for 2018-2020 are:
President, Lesley Nance
First Vice President, Patricia Barry
Second Vice President, Nancy Almacy
Treasurer, Patricia Sandy
Assistant Treasurer, Lester Levin
Recording Secretary, Rosemarie Vanderhoogt
Corresponding Secretary, Eileen Thompson
Member-at-Large, Lois Rubinsohn