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Beebe Healthcare Awards Doreen Ives with L.O.V.E. Letter Award

Doreen and Dr Tam


Beebe Healthcare is proud to recognize Doreen Ives as the July recipient of the Living Our Values Every Day (L.O.V.E.) Letter Award. Doreen works in Beebe Healthcare’s Print Room and was recognized for going above and beyond to help print an influx of important documents and patient education materials during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Doreen is actually an unsung hero,” Shadette Brittingham wrote in Doreen’s L.O.V.E Letter. “We are all pitching in and doing our best to help out where ever there is a need. With all of the testing, surge prepping, collaboration, and every other vital task to meet the needs of our community, patient education materials seem like a given. However, producing the mounds of patient education flyers requires a lot of time and effort on the hands of our Wonder Woman in the print room.”

“While our community sees and shares their gratitude for all of the work the on-site testers are performing, they have no idea that Doreen put in a lot of hours to make sure the literature they are receiving at the community events is printed,” Shadette wrote.

Doreen demonstrates many of the Beebe values, including “achieving amazing accomplishments through exceptional teamwork” and “dedicating yourself to being an expert in your field – always learning, always growing.”
Photo caption: Doreen Ives (left) and Dr. David Tam, President and CEO of Beebe Healthcare.