Beebe Healthcare Awards Ryan Cohen with L.O.V.E. Letter Award

Beebe Healthcare is proud to recognize Ryan Cohen as the June recipient of the Living Our Values Every Day (L.O.V.E.) Letter Award.
Ryan Cohen, a Care Coordinator, was awarded this recognition for going the extra mile to help a patient get the care they needed.
“Ryan always goes above and beyond for patients,” wrote Krista Henshaw, a nurse practitioner who submitted the nomination letter. “Recently, she spent a great deal of time trying to help a patient who was struggling to have all his needs met at home.”
“The patient had been discharged from Beebe Home Care Services due to a change in insurance. Since Beebe was considered ‘out-of-network’ with the new insurance, the cost would not be covered,” Krista explained. “Ryan spent almost an entire day contacting the insurance company and different agencies that the new insurance said they would cover.”
“When NONE of the agencies could take this patient, she contacted the Division of Aging for help,” wrote Krista. “She was able to have the patient assigned a nurse and a caseworker who then helped with getting home care re-established, as well as financial assistance for medications.”
“When everyone else would have given up, Ryan persevered until she found a solution for this patient. I’m so proud to work on a team with this loving and dedicated employee,” shared Krista.
Through her efforts, Ryan has demonstrated many of the Beebe values, including “treat each individual with respect and dignity,” and “act with passion and love for others to make a difference.”
Congratulations, Ryan, and thank you for all you do!
Photo caption: Ryan Cohen, Care Coordinator, (second from left) is the recipient of Beebe’s L.O.V.E. Letter Award for June for going the extra mile to help a patient get the care they needed. Also pictured from left to right are Rick Schaffner, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Beebe Healthcare, Krista Henshaw, Nurse Practitioner, and Holly Marvel, Manager of Care Navigation.
Beebe Healthcare’s L.O.V.E. Letter Recognition Program is similar to an employee of the month program. Team members are encouraged to send L.O.V.E. notes to other team members during the course of the month. A committee then evaluates the L.O.V.E. notes and selects one to receive the monthly L.O.V.E. Letter. Winners are announced in a surprise ceremony in which the committee visits the winner in his or her department and presents the award. Employees selected for the award receive:
• Parking space in the parking garage for one month
• $100 gift card donated by Fred and Lyndie Hertrich
• Gift card to Waves Car Wash
• 100 points toward Beebe L.O.V.E. Notes Merchandise
• 100th Anniversary History Book: Two Men With a Dream: The Story of Beebe Healthcare
• Letter of congratulations and personal visit from members of the executive team
• Their photo added to the L.O.V.E. Letter wall plaque
• Letter to team member’s director and department recognition