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Beebe Healthcare to Host Breakfast at Beebe Tuesdays for Nurses

Beebe Breakfast HR meetings

Beebe Healthcare is offering Breakfast at Beebe as a way for healthcare job seekers to meet with recruiters and have questions answered.

Breakfast at Beebe will be held from 8-10 a.m. on Tuesdays, April 16 through July 16. Beebe is seeking nurses (RNs) with two years of acute care experience. During the breakfast applicants will be interviewed by a nurse manager.

Applicants are asked to call to RSVP and to bring their current resume to the breakfast. For more information or to sign up for a date, call (302) 645-3336.

In addition, Beebe also offers a Live Chat for nursing applicants. Those interested in a nursing career at Beebe can call and talk with a nurse recruiter every Thursday from 2-3 p.m. Just go to the Careers Event pages and click the banner to register.

For more information on careers and other upcoming hiring events, go to