Beebe Healthcare Integrative Health Announces January and February Classes
Beebe Healthcare’s Integrative Health program has announced its Spring class schedule, including several classes in January and February.
In the Hawaiian language, Aloha, is the greeting used for both hello, welcome, and farewell. In the simplest way it represents love – by saying goodbye with Aloha, Hawaiians are wishing that love goes with you. Integrative Health Coordinator Cheyenne Luzader, MS, first learned about Hawaiian healing in 1984. She studied with Sila and Harry Uhane Jim of Pahoa and was initiated as a kahu or keeper of knowledge at Pu’uhonua in 2012. She will pass on her knowledge of Hawaiian Ho’oponopono on Monday, Jan. 30, from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Cancer Support Community. To register, call (302) 645-9150.
Luzader will also lead a Kirtan Kriya Meditation – a 12-minute meditation, sometimes called a singing meditation – on Monday, February 27, from 3 to 4 p.m., at the Lewes Public Library. This meditation helps improve relaxation and memory. Register online:
Rita Karapurkar Williams, Health Coach with Beebe Healthcare, will lead a four-week Wellness Works program. The course covers the basics of healthy living, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and helps participants plan for their future health goals. The sessions are held 3 to 4:30 p.m. on four consecutive Wednesdays (February 1, 8, 15, and 22) at the Lewes Public Library. Participants must register and commit to attending all four sessions. Register online at
For more information on Beebe Healthcare’s Integrative Health program or the full schedule of upcoming classes, go to