Beebe Healthcare to Offer Cyber Health Classes
In partnership with local libraries, Beebe Healthcare’s information technology security team will offer cyber health classes. The first classes will be held at the Selbyville Public Library on Thursday, January 9, from 5-7 p.m. and then at the Milford Public Library on Wednesday, February 19, from 2-4 p.m.
Attendees can expect to learn tips for:
- Leading a “lifestyle” of security awareness
- How to identify and react to phishing email
- Understanding ransomware and the dark web
- Critical impacts of data breaches on industry, homes, schools, small businesses, and communities
- How to identify and respond if personal information has been leaked
- Powerful tools to take home and educate the community beyond the session.
“As cyber attacks increasingly focus on exposing human vulnerabilities, it is imperative that organizations think outside of their own four walls by proactively educating their communities as well as their staff,” said Rob Bentley, Beebe’s IT Security Manager. “Just as with physical health, cyber health plays a critical role in everyone’s life.”
Additional session dates and times will be published on libraries’ events pages as they become available.