Beebe Healthcare Presents November 2021 DAISY Team Award to Extraordinary Obstetrics Nurses

Nurses at Beebe Healthcare were honored with the DAISY Award, a part of the DAISY Foundation’s national program to recognize the super-human efforts nurses make every day. Beebe presents the DAISY Award to nurses on a quarterly basis, but this is only the second time that Beebe has presented a DAISY Team Award.
The DAISY Team Award recipients are April Phillips, RN, Kylie Powell, RN, Crystal Reynolds, RN, Jennifer Blush, RN, Shauntey Singletary, RN, Rachel Walker, RN, Jennifer Horner, RN, Kelsi Warrington, RN, Deborah Wright, RN, Maureen Baker, RN, Amanda Biro, RN, Cecilia D’Orazio, RN, Kimberly Emerick, RN and Rebecca Heistand, RN, all obstetrics nurses in the Labor and Delivery Unit at Beebe Healthcare’s Margaret H. Rollins Lewes Campus.
As a group and individually, the obstetrics nurses have received multiple DAISY award nominations from grateful patients over the past few years. The DAISY award was presented to the entire obstetrics nursing team to recognize them for the multitude of award nominations the members of the team have received.
“From the moment my wife and I arrived in the hospital to the moment we left, we received exceptional help,” wrote on nominator. “Our daughter was born so smoothly thanks to these to amazing nurses. Even after the birth, they continued to go the extra mile and help with everything.”
“We checked into labor and delivery where we met our nurse. She was AMAZING!” was written in another nomination letter. “She made me/us feel like we were her only patients and had an extremely pleasant bedside manner. She went out of her way to make sure we had everything we needed to be comfortable.”
“My nurse went above and beyond. She showed how much she cared,” another nomination letter read. “She is genuine and deserves to be recognized. Thank you for taking good care of me and my baby.”
“During the majority of our time at Beebe, we had the same nurse. She cared for us during labor, was there when our son was born, and the time after, as well as the following day. Since I had a complicated labor, my baby and I needed additional attention,” explained another patient in her nomination letter. “She was right by our side, always knowing exactly what to do in the situation and knowing what to say to lessen my anxiety. Not only is she an incredibly skilled nurse, but she also has such a calm and kind personality that made us feel so at ease. I never hesitated to ask questions and never felt uncomfortable asking for help. I felt such a connection to her since she played such a large role in one of the most important days of our lives. That is directly due to the amazing care and kindness we received from her. We cannot say enough about how wonderful of a nurse and person she proved to be during our time in the Labor and Delivery unit at Beebe.”
The obstetrics nurses were all presented with DAISY Award certificates and pins during a recent surprise ceremony.
The not-for-profit DAISY Foundation is based in Glen Ellen, California, and was established by family members in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. Patrick died at the age of 33 in 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families.
Nurses may be nominated by patients, families, and colleagues, and they are chosen by a committee of nurses at Beebe Healthcare to receive The DAISY Award. Awards are given throughout the year at presentations given in front of the nurse’s colleagues, physicians, patients, and visitors.
“Beebe is proud to be among the healthcare organizations participating in the DAISY Award program,” said Lynne Voskamp, Vice President of Nursing Operations & Continuum of Care, Chief Nursing Officer, and Administrator of Home Care Services. “Nurses are on the front lines of patient care every day. It’s important that our nurses know their work is highly valued, and The DAISY Foundation provides a way for us to do that.”
To nominate a Beebe nurse for the DAISY Award, please visit For a complete listing of healthcare organizations currently running the program, visit
Photo caption (left to right): Kelsi Warrington, RN, Deborah Wright, RN, Shauntey Singletary, RN, Jennifer Blush, RN, Cecilia D’Orazio, RN, Amanda Biro, RN, Bridget Buckaloo, Executive Director of Women’s Health, and Crystal Reynolds, RN, are some of the recipients of this quarter’s DAISY Team Award. April Phillips, RN, Kylie Powell, RN, Rachel Walker, RN, Jennifer Horner, RN, Maureen Baker, RN, Kimberly Emerick, RN, and Rebecca Heistand, RN (not pictured) were also recipients of this award.