I'm Having Symptoms, Where Should I Go?
If you are having the following symptoms, one of Beebe's Walk-In Care locations can help you - no appointment needed:
- Eye and ear infections
- Urinary tract and bladder infections
- Sprains and minor injuries
- Minor astrointestinal complaints
- Skin problems such as minor rashes and burns
- Minor cuts and simple lacerations (stitches must be placed in less than 24 hours)
- Limited medication refills
- Upper respiratory infections such as sore throats. sinus infections, flu, laryngitis, allergies
Beebe Walk-In Care Locations.
If you are having the following symptoms, Call 911 or go to the Emergency Department:
In the event of a life-threatening illness or accident, call 911. Emergency responders will meet your immediate needs and take you to the appropriate medical facility.
- Chest pain or pressure
- Difficulty breathing
- Severe bleeding
- Abdominal pain
- Spine or back injury
- Broken bone
- Severe eye injuries
Visit Beebe's Emergency Services page for addresses of Beebe's two emergency rooms, located in Frankford, DE and Lewes, DE.
Looking to improve your health? Sign up for tips on our Health Hub.