Caring For You
Beebe Healthcare's Palliative Care team focuses on connecting patients and families with resources so that your loved one can have the highest quality of life while preparing for the future. Palliative Care is patient—and family—centered care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual needs associated with serious or chronic disease(s).
Meet the Team
Our Care Team Members
Jody Barbarulo, Patient Advocate
Keith Goheen, BCC, Chaplain
Paula Waite, ACC, Chaplain
Megan Gherke, RN
302-645-3770 Ext. 2717
Compassionate Care
Beebe's experienced Palliative Care team that provides compassionate inpatient treatment options. Patients continue to receive curative treatment, but now with a heightened emphasis on the goals and values that bring quality to their lives. Through direct care, improved communications, and proactive coordination of care services, Beebe's Palliative Care team helps patients manage their symptoms more effectively.
Advocating for goals and values, the team serves as a liaison among patients, care providers, and families. Patients and healthcare teams report positive results, including the satisfaction that comes with increased quality of life and reduced out-of-pocket medical costs.
1: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)

What Will a Consultation Provide?
- Assistance to the medical team for difficult-to-treat serious or chronic disease-related symptoms
- An extra layer of support for patients and families
- Facilitation with transition into a community Palliative Care program
- Advance care planning (ACP)
- Establish patient and family goals of care and align the medical plan to meet those goals
- Improved quality of life for both patients and families
Considering Palliative Care?
Any patient at any stage of illness can receive palliative care. Palliative care can be provided throughout the course of serious or chronic disease(s) along with curative treatment provided by the medical team. Some examples of serious or chronic disease(s) are: Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), cancer, etc.
Is Palliative Care right for you? This tool can help.
What is L.I.V.E.?
L.I.V.E. is a strategy outlining an effective way to develop and adhere to a plan for palliative care.
- Learn about options: Patients and family become familiar with the full range of care options
- Implement a plan: A plan of care is put into place
- Voice the plan to others: Share the plan with inpatient and outpatient providers as well as family members
- Engage others to live: Put the plan into action with full support
Additional Resources

Beebe is a member of the Center to Advance Palliative Care, the nation’s leading resource for palliative care development and growth.