Putting Our Values Into Words
We recognize that what we believe—what we hold true and what we value—informs our decisions and our actions every day. As a team, when we share the same sets of beliefs and values, we are more likely to act in unison, creating consistently excellent experiences and reliable and safe care for our patients.
Our Pledge
A task force of Beebe Healthcare team members met over multiple months to examine exceptional patient experiences and distilled from this evaluation the values they believed shape our behaviors when we are performing at our best.
Beebe Healthcare team members have pledged to live these values every day. As a patient or visitor at Beebe, you may see these value statements posted. We invite you to help us be mindful of our values as we care for you and your family members.
Inspiring Team Members
To help share our values with team members, we created a video. It is both a celebration of the great work we do each day, and a charge to remain dedicated to a shared set of values that guide us.