Celebrate Excellent Care: A day that did not go as planned
On July 18, Kelly and R.J. Yudt had their plans set to go on the boat at the end of their work day. Kelly, a physician assistant with Mid-Atlantic Family Practice, was 37 weeks pregnant at the time. Plans changed when R.J. got a call stating Kelly's water broke while at lunch.
Kelly shared, "It was entertaining and unexpected. I felt great while seeing patients that morning. Before I knew it, I was in Beebe's Emergency Department greeted by a staff member who went into full response mode upon my arrival. Within 10 minutes, I was in a hospital room and 20 minutes later Dr. Berlin greeted me."
It was Kelly and R.J's first experience as patients at Beebe where they would stay for two long days of labor. R.J., a clinical data manager, was amazed at how the Women's and Children's staff kept them informed, established timelines, and were very kind and professional at all times. R. J. remarked, "Our day nurse, Michelle, and night nurse, Amy, along with midwife Rebecca Njord attended to all of our needs without hesitation, and made our entire experience peaceful. Beebe could have not done more for us and we are so grateful. We wanted a natural childbirth and the team shared all of our options."
Beebe is Baby Friendly
In 2014, Beebe Healthcare earned the designation as a Baby-Friendly Hospital, reflecting its commitment to the optimal level of care for infant feeding and mother-and-infant bonding. Beebe Healthcare was the first organization in Delaware to earn the designation, launched as part of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in 1991 by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund.
On July 19, at 9:28 p.m., Kelly and R.J. welcomed their newborn son, William Robert Yudt, into the world with the help of Dr. Angela Caswell-Monack. Kelly joyfully reflected, "That day was a wonderful start to our new life with William! We could not have done it without the incredible staff and Dr. Caswell-Monack! I highly recommend Beebe Healthcare."
Caswell-Monack added, "It was an honor to be a part of William's birth. Kelly did an awesome job surrounded by her loving husband, mom and sister!"
As a professional member of the local healthcare community, Kelly remarked, "We are so fortunate to have a great local community hospital and healthcare system that meets our needs. Beebe continues to meet the challenges of one of the fastest growing areas in our region. As Beebe helps each of us and our families at our time of need, we need to help and support Beebe. We are honored and pleased to make a donation to the new second floor Women's and Children's Department in the planned Margaret H. Rollins Pavilion at Beebe Healthcare."
The Next Generation of Care
Beebe Healthcare is thoughtfully investing in expanding its presence in Sussex County - making excellent, innovative, and accessible care a reality for friends, families and neighbors for future generations. The proposed $180 million expansion plan includes a four-story patient wing at the medical center in downtown Lewes, to be named the Margaret H. Rollins Pavilion. Find out more about the exciting plans for Beebe's expansion: www.nextgenerationofcare.org.
The Beebe Healthcare Family has a special tradition this time of year called Holiday of Life. The community is invited to give a gift in honor or memory of loved ones and a brilliant and shiny star is placed upon a beautiful tree at the main Lewes Campus. Gifts to Holiday of Life will benefit newborn babies in the Women's and Children's Department. One Holiday of Life tree with stars of a loved one's names is located near the waiting area for labor and delivery, where anxious families await the arrival of a new member of their family. Another Holiday of Life tree is located on the main floor of the hospital near the Sunshine Café.
To give a gift in honor or memory of a loved one and have a star placed upon a tree, go to www.beebemedicalfoundation.org/donate/holiday-of-life/ and make a gift today.
To make your proud personal donation or to learn more about Celebrate Excellent Care, go online to www.beebemedicalfoundation.org/cec or contact the Beebe Medical Foundation at (302) 644-2900 or write to [email protected].