Welcome to the Winter 2020 issue of the Beacon. This issue's theme is Fit - Whole Body Health & Wellness.
Letter from the Editor
Not too many people will agree (being that we live in the land of summer here on Delmarva), but I find something refreshing about a brisk wind that arrives in the fall and stays most of the winter. By February, I agree that it is time for the chilling wind to move on, but I find myself out walking the dog at night more than I do during the summer – for whatever reason that might be. The new year has always been a time to think about the goals or changes you want to make. Beebe Healthcare’s vision for Sussex County is for it to become one of the healthiest counties in the nation. There is still work to be done, but we hope this “Fit” issue of Beacon may spark an idea for or motivate you to hold strong to whatever New Year’s resolution you choose.
My resolution started this summer, invigorated by my new job at Beebe and the much needed education on updated health information. I joined RISE Fitness and splurged for the personal trainer because accountability was always my downfall. Marisol doesn’t let that happen anymore, and exercising just two days a week for 30 minutes has boosted my energy levels. I hope reading this issue might spark your health and wellness moment, even if that means taking the dog for an extra walk.
Take Care,
Ryan Marshall
Executive Editor, Beacon
Have Questions or Comments about the Beacon? Email [email protected].
Guest Letter - Fighting Spirit
Back in the winter of 2004, I was knee-deep in a winter-like season of emotion following breast cancer treatment. I found myself spending too much time worrying about recurrence and becoming sluggish like the season itself. One day I decided that I would no longer dwell on circumstances I could not control. I needed to start moving, which began with Pilates. Soon after, I began running, entering local 5K races, and participating in conditioning exercises with friends. My fitness routine decreased my fatigue, allowed me to maintain my weight, and most importantly, lifted my spirits.
Today, I continue with weight training, biking, walking beaches and trails with my dog, and paddleboarding in the bays and ocean. And now, 15 years later, I attribute my survivorship to my faith, my incredible treatment at Beebe, and to the many available fitness options in our area.
Be well,
Kelli Meoli, who along with her husband, Mike, served as Co-Chairs of Beebe Medical Foundation's "I Believe in Beebe" Campaign
Downloads from this Issue
Hearty Breakfast: Oatmeal With Easy Clean-Up (Download PDF Recipe Card)
Get the Most Out of Your Gym Membership (Download Tips PDF)
Learn More about the Effects of Vaping from Dr. Banzon (Download Information PDF)
Improve Your Heart Health & Your Numbers
Ornish Dietitian Deb Dobies has some tips to reduce your bad cholesterol and improve your heart health overall. Learn more about the Ornish program at Beebe. Beebe is the only provider of Ornish Lifestyle Medicine in Delaware.