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Celebrate Small Victories: A Resolution Refresh

Some pick a word at the start of a new year. Others compile one—or maybe even several—goals or resolutions for the new year. Either way, there is always room for reflection and improvement as you welcome in a new season.

A lot of times you start off strong, driven, and focused, but with time and life’s events that feeling can dwindle. Don’t sweat it! Life happens, and sometimes the healthiest option is to reorient your perspective to balance out your goals.

The challenge is not the resolution itself but applying your mind to focus on not giving up even when you feel like giving in. Thankfully there is sage advice you can take to heart to keep yourself on track this new year. Remember success starts with kindness and love directed at yourself first.


Small Goals

If you tend to focus on the consistency or intensity of the goals you set, small hiccups can prove more challenging since you feel like you’ve let yourself down. You’re not alone in this. The best way to fight against this tendency is to view each small act as a health victory.  So, if you woke up this morning and completed a workout—success! You packed your lunch with all healthy options—high five!

Taking the time to celebrate each accomplishment nourishes your mind and body. Then if on the off chance you experience a period of poor health decisions—like maybe you skip a few days of working out—you can still show yourself kindness, remembering you have the ability to start fresh each day.

Maybe getting fit is top on your list this new year, if so, try applying some of these tips to help adjust to a new workout routine or new eating habits.

  • Work out in the morning to help kick-start your day.
  • Meal prep. This allows you to mindfully prepare for the week ahead and makes you less likely to slip into unhealthy food choices during your day.
  • Keep a journal. This is an excellent way to track your progress. Find a journal that works best for you - some include prompts, others have open pages.
  • Find a fitness buddy or at least a friend who can help hold you accountable. Apps such as Fitbit or MyFitnessPal allow you to hold yourself accountable and compete against others online in a supportive environment.
  • Repetition is key. They say it can take up to 28 days to make something a habit, so keep working toward that goal, even if you miss a day or end having a cheat day, it’s okay. Always be willing to jump back in.

Goals and resolutions are beautiful reminders of how you can continue to improve yourself and the world around you—remembering that at your core you have everything you need to succeed already within you. It’s only a matter of taking the time to show yourself enough compassion to unleash it.

Community connections are important components for staying happy and healthy throughout the year. Join us on Facebook to see upcoming events!