Commentary: Beebe provided extraordinary care for my wife
Submitted to the Cape Gazette by Chuck Mowll
Beebe Healthcare didn’t save my wife. No hospital in the world could have. A few weeks before Christmas, my wife Darlene lost her appetite to eat, began experiencing stomach pains and cramps, and lost 14 pounds. On Dec. 26, I took her to the Beebe Healthcare Emergency Room where she immediately received a CT scan and was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Liver Cancer. Ten days later she was dead. She had just celebrated her 64th birthday Dec. 20.
But this article is not about Darlene. It is about Beebe Healthcare. I feel compelled to describe the extraordinarily competent and compassionate care that Darlene received during her eight-day stay in Beebe before she was transported via helicopter to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital’s neuroscience center to treat her stroke conditions. Let me be clear, no one at Beebe Healthcare has asked me to write this article. It is an unsolicited testimony to the exemplary healthcare that our local hospital – Beebe Healthcare – provides.