What’s New? 848 new donors!
As we begin this New Year of opportunities in 2018, many of us will be asked, “What are you going to do in 2018 as a New Year’s resolution?”
Ranked among the top answers: join a gym, eat healthier and less, volunteer, and give more of our time and talent to help others. Part of creating a New Year’s plan is to reflect on the previous year and build upon our accomplishments in the New Year.
What’s new at Beebe Medical Foundation? Well, as we look back at 2017, we are happy to report and celebrate that 848 new donors—many who are grateful patients—gave a first-time gift to support our not-for-profit community healthcare system here in Sussex County! We gladly welcome their support and thank each of them personally as they now join the other 3,198 donors who contributed during 2017.
As you consider your own personal 2018 New Year’s resolution, if you are a loyal and strong supporter of Beebe: Thank you! As Beebe plans for its largest expansion, one that you have been learning about in this Blueprint e-newsletter, will you consider a New Year’s resolution to give a larger gift to increase your support? If you have never given a gift to Beebe before, would you consider making a proud, personal gift to support our great team of doctors, nurses, and professional staff who save and change the lives of our loved ones, neighbors, and community every day?
No doubt, all of us have learned over the years, that it is certainly better to give than to receive. Many articles and books have been written about how giving makes us happier, healthier, and makes us feel good! This month, as you resolve to exercise more, eat healthier, and begin to think about some new resolutions, I invite you to consider making a new gift to Beebe Healthcare. Every gift counts and helps us with our saving mission here in Sussex County.
To make a gift or to learn more about ways to make a gift, please give us a call at the Foundation at (302) 644-2900 or go online to beebemedicalfoundation.org.
All of us here at the Beebe Medical Foundation want to wish you and your loved ones a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Thomas J. Protack
Vice President of Development,
Beebe Medical Foundation