The Future of Emergency Care in South Coastal
It may be vacation time for many area visitors, however plans for the new freestanding Emergency Department at Beebe’s planned South Coastal Health Campus are moving along during the busy summer months.
Beebe recently unveiled the first artistic rendering of the new entrance to the proposed freestanding Emergency Department (ED), which will be located on Route 17 in Millville. And, at the end of this month, Beebe expects to receive two key approvals needed to move forward with its new campus.
The campus will feature the new ED and a second location for Beebe’s comprehensive cancer center, increasing access to care for residents and visitors of Millville, Bethany Beach, Selbyville, Fenwick Island, and the surrounding areas.
The Emergency Department and cancer center each need to receive state approval of their certificates of public review (CPR) and responses from the state Health Resources Board (HRB) in order for plans to move forward. This feedback is expected in late July and early August.
Following approval from the HRB, project blueprints must go through a review by the Office of Health Facilities and Licensure to make sure the buildings meet all applicable codes and regulations. Additionally, the State Fire Marshal must sign off on the site plan and Delaware Department of Transportation must approve the development based on road and traffic impacts.
Although groundbreaking won’t take place until fall, Beebe’s integrated design team has been hard at work on the interior of the new ED. A key part of the process was building life-size mockups of some of the rooms – where the ED team played a key role in the designing the space with the patient in mind. Over several months, the team worked with architects, engineers, and the design team to determine how to set up the new rooms for the South Coastal Campus. Watch the video to meet Dr. Nick Perchiniak, emergency department physician, and learn more.