Get to Know: Megan Gherke, Oncology Nurse

“My grandmother and mother have both had cancer diagnoses. I watched my grandmother battle cancer in the hospital in 2012. The wonderful care she received by nurses throughout her entire hospital stay through hospice care sparked my interest to enter nursing school and make a difference in patients’ lives,” said Megan Gherke, RN, oncology nurse with special interest in integrative health and palliative care.
Megan, a Delaware native, joined Beebe Oncology Services in 2019 after working at Beebe’s Margaret H. Rollins Lewes Campus in the medical-surgical unit where she also cared for oncology patients.
She graduated from Easter University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania with her bachelor degree in nursing. In 2018, she earned her Holistic Nurse-Baccalaureate board certification, which allows her to work with patients from an integrative health perspective, including sharing knowledge in areas of aromatherapy, meditation, guided imagery, and music therapy, among other areas.
“The foundational education I received, plus my certification, brought forth a passion to care for those battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments from a holistic perspective,” Megan said.
At Tunnell Cancer Center, Megan works with breast cancer patients and meets with them to discuss integrative medicine options during treatment. She also teaches the oncology program’s Be Well classes for those diagnosed with cancer.
Megan also works with patients and families as a palliative care nurse, allowing them to discuss all of their options and connect with resources.
“A nurse must refer to the basics and understand that a patient is not only a patient, but a person undergoing a difficult journey. They require a loving and helping hand,” she said. “I want my patients to know that they are my family. I am so honored and blessed to be an oncology nurse and I love what I do because of my patients.”