Growing Your Support Network
As you travel through your cancer journey, you may hear about other programs or survivorship programs. These programs are available in our community and state with a focus on growing your support system, keeping you healthy and happy, and continuing to support you after your cancer treatment.
Here is a list of survivorship programs, but more are added regularly.
The Livestrong program was founded by the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help cancer survivors and their loved ones. Livestrong believes in putting the survivor first and works to create tools and resources to help ease the challenges of a cancer diagnosis.
The LIVESTRONG at the YMCA program supports the increasing number of cancer survivors who find themselves on the journey from completing their treatment to feeling physically and emotionally strong enough to return to normal life.
These small group sessions are facilitated by certified YMCA instructors who assist participants in a variety of physical activity options including cardiovascular conditioning, strength training, balance and flexibility. LIVESTRONG at the YMCA creates a welcoming community in which survivors can develop supportive relationships and improve their quality of life.
Learn more and see the class schedule:
Beebe Support Groups
Beebe Healthcare offers support groups and partners with community organizations like the Cancer Support Community – DE to offer support groups and resources.
The “Being Young With Cancer” Support Group meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The group addresses the unique emotional needs of patients ages 30 to 50. The group meets at Tunnell Cancer Center at the Rehoboth Beach Campus on Route 24 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. For more information or to join the group, call for a pre-meeting interview at 302-645-3087.
Cancer Support Community – DE Offerings
Cancer Support Community – Delaware is a statewide nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. Our members are adults, teens and children with cancer and their family members/caregivers.
As all of our services are provided free of charge, we must rely on the generosity of government, foundations, corporations and individuals to continue our programs.
Cancer Support Community – DE provides weekly support groups facilitated by trained, licensed and experienced psychotherapists. At these meetings, people with cancer and their caregivers explore new ways of dealing with the physical and emotional problems associated with the disease.
Besides support groups, the organization also hosts Tai Chi, Yoga, Nutrition classes, art therapy, family groups, and more
Learn more on their website:
Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition
The mission of the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc. is to empower our community by raising awareness of breast health issues through outreach, education and support services, in order to facilitate the early detection and treatment of breast cancer.
For those recently diagnosed, the Coalition offers a class called, “Beginning your Pink Ribbon Journey.” This class is open to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and their families.
In addition, the Coalition offers ongoing classes, seminars, breast care assistance funds, and a bevy of resources for breast cancer. Learn more on their website: