It’s a Woman Thing: Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice!
Although I can honestly say that summer is my favorite time of year, I do love the fall! I am a die-hard beach lover, sun, fun, flip flops – the whole package. However, when the calendar rolls into September and October, I can feel a real change.
The sky looks different, the air feels different, the sunsets are different, and the leaves slowly start to fall. To me there is a palpable difference from August to September. I do not mind the subtle change in the weather. We are usually blessed with an “Indian Summer.” I relish it. But I also love when the humidity wanes and I can turn off the AC and open the windows again! It is similar to the excitement in the spring when you can open the windows after being locked in all winter!
Cooler air also means, jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, and flip-flops (I cannot give them up! My personal rule is no socks or closed shoes until November!)! I look forward to browsing fall fashions to see what’s new, what colors are big for the new season. Do I need a new lipstick? A change in season signals a change in my wardrobe, and it also signals a change in my decorations! It is time to switch the front door wreath from seashells and a nautical theme to an autumn theme complete with acorns, pears, and burgundy berries. I just love to drive up to my house and see that big beautiful wreath!
I also love to drive by farm stands and garden centers and ogle over the fall decorations; pumpkin stacks, big beautiful mums, all coordinated with giant hay bales and corn stalks. It is inspiring to me to change out the geraniums for mums; what color will I be inspired to buy this year? I am picky about the mums, however. You have to buy them just with the right amount of bloom and buds. They are challenging too because if you don’t put them in the ground, they dry out quickly and then they look terrible! My Aunt just recently decorated the front of her home with a pumpkin stack that sits on top of her large ornamental urns. It is a beautiful design and so regal! I’m inspired! All of these little seasonal changes are really ways that I feed my soul.
Time For Fall Decorations
When my kids were little, it was always fun to go to the pumpkin patch and let them each pick out a pumpkin. Adolescence leaves them with an, “I wouldn’t be caught dead in a pumpkin patch attitude!” They have now graduated to Friday night football games and several visits to “Screams at the Beach…” so I will go to the farm stand by myself and select a few pumpkins just for decoration to satisfy my inspiration and help round out my seasonal theme.
Pumpkins are not meant for the outdoors alone. Let’s not forget the pumpkins you can use inside! I love the little ones you can buy. Last year I bought little white ones which lasted a long time. Buying white pumpkins was a first for me; I wasn’t in an orange mood! Not sure how it will go this year, but you can bet I will have pumpkin spice candles everywhere! I do love candles and I do love pumpkin spice. Again, these are all of the little things that I do to feed myself, and feeling good and enjoying the “little things” goes a long way to keep me feeling healthy.
I don’t stop at the candles either. I have pumpkin-scented hand soap that matches my pumpkin-colored hand towel in the powder room, and don’t forget the pumpkin spice air freshener! Aromatherapy is documented to have many health benefits, right? I might put a little pumpkin on the back of the potty!
I also have pumpkin-themed linen dish towels to add to my pumpkin-themed ornaments…!
Pumpkin Spice for the Soul
And, of course let us not forget the pumpkin spice lattes, coffees, muffins, yogurt, soups, pies, and oatmeal! I do love it all!
Last year I found pumpkin spice Triscuits and I was in love! I bought a dozen boxes! They were awesome topped with some soft brie and grapes or sliced pears on the side! I was addicted! I have not found them yet this year so keep your eyes open and if you see them in your grocer’s aisle please let me know!
I found pumpkin spice Life cereal in August and of course I had to try it! It was pretty good! Now I’m trialing pumpkin spice Cheerios! It’s a good little snack!
I’m open to anything pumpkin and the good news is that pumpkin is really good for you! It is low in fat and packed with vitamin A. You can add it to most anything: pancake mix, smoothies, etc. I even make my own pumpkin spice yogurt by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of pure pumpkin puree with my Greek yogurt (plain or vanilla) and sprinkle it with a little cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice! Low-fat, nutritious, and loaded with protein.
I’m pretty sure I am not alone with my love affair with pumpkin spice, so here’s to all of the other pumpkin spice lovers out there! Bye-bye summer, I love you with all my heart, and I can’t wait until you return, but pumpkin spice is back in town and life is good!