Take Control of Your Health, Take Advantage of Community Resources
Beebe Outreach: Big Sign, Little House, Big Impact
Holding true to Beebe’s vision to be one of the healthiest counties in the nation, the Population Health team strives to connect with various communities throughout Sussex County.
We aim to offer relevant and innovative programs and services that address needs and interests along the continuum of health, from prevention and wellness to chronic medical issues and community health needs.
Upcoming Classes & Events.
During our Beebe Healthcare Annual Health Fairs and the other 60-plus events the Outreach Team attends, we are frequently the prominent healthcare touch point for our fellow residents who are either uninsured and/or new to the area. The team offers a variety of screenings, provides resources and takes the time to educate and answer questions. The events we attend span the distance from Dover to Selbyville, Rehoboth Beach to Bridgeville, and everywhere in between.
In 2018, we provided 3,722 free flu vaccinations to the community-at-large. The generous donations offered at the flu clinics go directly to our Population Health Special Needs Fund which helps our patients who are most in need. So, the benefits of getting your flu shot are exponential here at Beebe!
More than just free screenings
As Delaware’s Division of Public Health 2018 Community Partner of the Year, our self-management workshop team offers six-week series on Healthy Living with Chronic Conditions, Chronic Pain as well as Cancer: Thriving and Surviving.
These workshops take place at a number of locations throughout eastern and southern Sussex. View our Calendar of Events.
CAREs Program
Our patient-centered CAREs program, a free and voluntary transitional care program, provides all-around support to our patients who are most in need. Patients who are eligible are offered enrollment prior to being discharged from the hospital and are then followed by a Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, and Registered Nurse throughout their 90-day participation. The CAREs team works with each patient to improve their quality of life, coordinate their care, connect them to appropriate resources and enhance their healthcare literacy through education and empowerment.
In addition to these free community programs, Population Health also encompasses Care Coordination for patients discharged from the hospital as well as condition-specific programs through Medicare’s Bundle model.
The department has also been focused on establishing a Post-Acute Care Network, a program that identifies key partners throughout the county and establishes methods for helping all partners achieve high-quality patient outcomes, patient and family satisfaction, and efficacious treatment across the continuum of patient care.
All of these help foster the circle of support for those participating patients as they transition back to their place of residence.
Beebe’s Population Health department extends beyond just our office to our incredible Oncology Population Health team members at Tunnell Cancer Center who offer education, outreach, support, and screening programs, in addition to exceptional care. Nurse Navigators are there to assist you in cancer treatment as well as cancer screenings. Please visit https://www.beebehealthcare.org/tunnell-cancer-center for more information.
Through partnerships, both internal and external, Beebe’s Population Health is focused on collaborative effort for collective impact. Although the teams in our little house with the big sign on Savannah Road are offering programs and services designed to assist and support our community in a big way, it’s not just our team embracing the community and innovation…a number of other departments within our organization are piloting exciting programs with the goal to continually improve and enhance the way we serve our Beebe community.
Find a Support Group.
Kim Blanch, RN, is the Community Services Manager at Beebe Population Health and works with her team to provide preventive healthcare for the community. For more information on Beebe’s Population Health Department, call (302) 645-3337 or go to www.beebehealthcare.org/community-outreach/population-health-department.