Beebe Healthcare Holds Ribbon Cutting for the Opening of the New Main Entrance
Beebe Healthcare held a physically distanced ribbon cutting Wednesday, July 1, for the opening of its brand new main entrance located on the west side of the Margaret H. Rollins Lewes Campus near the parking garage.
Although the event was held with much less fanfare than a normal Beebe celebration due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Beebe leaders spoke about the improved visibility of the main entrance and how it will improve the patient and visitor experience.
David A. Tam, MD, MBA, FACHE, President & CEO of Beebe Healthcare, Tom Protack, President, Beebe Medical Foundation, and David Herbert, Chair of Beebe’s Board of Directors, specifically thanked the Ma-Ran Foundation and the Rollins family for their transformational $10 million gift that made this renovation possible.
Shown during the ribbon cutting from left to right, Tom Protack, President, Beebe Medical Foundation; David Herbert, Chair of Beebe’s Board of Directors; Mark Loukides, Vice President of Facilities and Environment; and David A. Tam, MD, MBA, FACHE, President & CEO of Beebe Healthcare.