Beebe Healthcare Recognized Employee Quality Initiatives at Sixth Annual Quality and Safety Awards Banquet
Beebe Healthcare recognized employees and physicians for their dedication and commitment to high quality patient care during the sixth annual Quality and Safety Awards Banquet recently held at Kings Creek Country Club.
The evening represented the culmination of a year’s work by 20 teams made up of a total of more than 100 Beebe team members that had designed and implemented process improvement initiatives impacting the quality of patient care.
Stephen Fanto, MD, Chairman of the Board of Director’s Quality and Safety Committee, recognized the three winning teams by presenting them with their awards.
The three award-winning teams were:
• Home Therapy-Continuous Infusion Administration of Chemotherapy – The team, comprised of pharmacists and infusion nurses from Tunnell Cancer Center, and nurses from Beebe Home Health Care, developed a better way to provide chemotherapy to patients at home that is more efficient and more comfortable for the patients and more cost effective for Beebe.
• Use of Positive Patient Identification for Specimen Collection for Nurse Draws in Cerner – The team, comprised of nurses from clinical informatics (nurses that liaison with IT specialists) and Beebe’s IT department, created a more efficient and reliable way through the use of electronic medical record (EMR) to document information regarding the collection of blood and other specimens by nurses.
• Impacting Practice at the Bedside-Beebe’s Nursing Peer Review Program – The team, comprised of members of Beebe’s Nursing Quality Council, developed a protocol on how to identify, analyze and improve nursing practices so that the best possible patient outcomes are realized.
“These awards recognize the three (3) winning teams, as well as the other eighteen (18) teams that submitted applications for this year’s Quality and Safety Awards banquet,” said Jeffrey M. Fried, President and CEO of Beebe Healthcare. “Each year, we are thrilled to see the innovative and thoughtful ideas that our team members come up with, to improve our internal processes and systems for the benefit of our patients. Beebe Healthcare continues on a journey to becoming a high reliability organization, and these awards represent the progress we have made over the past year.”
Members of the Home Therapy team were presented with the Quality Award. Pictured here, left to right, back row, are: Rick Schaffner, Chief Operating Officer at Beebe; Steven Rhone, Vice President of Patient Care at Beebe; Sam Roberts, Director of Pharmacy at Beebe; Judge William Swain Lee, Chairman of the Beebe Board; Jeffrey M. Fried, President and CEO of Beebe, Dan Rogers, a team member; and Dr. Stephan Fanto, chairman of the Board’s Quality and Safety Committee. Front row, left to right, are: Michele Craft, Joanna Brown, Regina Batson, Rose Marie-Smith and BevAnn Kubala.
Members of the positive identification team are pictured here after receiving the Quality Award. Pictured here are, left to right, back row: Steven Rhone, Vice President of Patient Care at Beebe; Judge William Swain Lee, Chairman of the Beebe Board; team members Lindsey Seedorf, Albert Ayre and Dwayne Coleman; Jeffrey M. Fried, President and CEO of Beebe; and Dr. Stephan Fanto, Chairman of the Board’s Quality and Safety Committee; Middle row, left to right: team members Kathy Ohrt, Kathy Podbesek, Shawna Mayles, Amy Papia; and front row, left to right, team members Kelly English and Jamie Dickerson.
Members of the Impacting Practice at the Bedside team are pictured here after receiving the Quality Award. Pictured left to right, back row, are: Judge William Swain Lee, Chairman of the Beebe Board; team member Julia Bane; Jeffrey M. Fried, President and CEO of Beebe; and Dr. Stephan Fanto, Chairman of the Board’s Quality and Safety Committee; middle row: Rick Schaffner, Chief Operating Officer; Steven Rhone, Vice President of Patient Care; team members Jen Mancuso, Eileen Hardy and Jamie Dickerson; and front row, left to right: team members Bridget Buckaloo; Susan Bunting, SueAnn Newsham, Dareth Penuel, and Beth Richardson. Team chairwoman Ann Smith is holding the award.
Beebe Healthcare is a not-for-profit community healthcare system with a charitable mission to encourage healthy living, prevent illness, and restore optimal health for the people residing, working, or visiting in the communities we serve. It offers services throughout Southern Delaware for residents and visitors, including a 210-licensed-bed hospital, a cancer center, and outpatient facilities providing walk-in care, lab, imaging, and physical rehabilitation services. For more information, please visit us online at Beebe Healthcare.