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Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing, Class of 2024 Earn Top Honors

School of Nursing Class of 2024

The Margaret H. Rollins School Class of 2024 have all passed the national examination for licensure as a registered nurse.

The School of Nursing prides itself on outstanding outcomes with the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) success being a top priority. This continues a long tradition of excellence in nursing education at Beebe Healthcare. The 100 percent pass rate by students is not the first time the feat has been accomplished by students.

According to, the School of Nursing ranks No. 1 in Delaware and has done so for many years. The nursing advocacy organization uses a methodology that analyzes each school’s pass rate for students on the NCLEX exam. Out of the seven nursing programs in the state, Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing had the highest score with 94.64 for 2024.

“We congratulate the Class of 2024 on their success and are excited to welcome them to the nursing profession,” said Karen Pickard, DNP, CNE, NEA-BC, Director, Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing. “Our faculty is very proud to continue to prepare our graduates both academically and clinically to transition into nursing and to further their education thanks to our amazing facilities at Beebe.”

The Margaret H. Rollins School of Nursing is the only hospital-based nursing program in Delaware and throughout its history has consistently prepared its students to earn high pass rates on the nursing licensure examination. The diploma in Professional Nursing is awarded at the completion of the program, qualifying graduates to be eligible for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCLEX examination, leading to licensure as a registered nurse.

The School of Nursing is owned by Beebe Healthcare which enables the program’s nursing student’s opportunities in clinical areas which are unsurpassed by other educational programs. The hospital continues to hire 80-100% of the program’s graduates, which promotes the graduates’ professional transition to practice in the nursing profession.

The School continues to update and revise the curriculum so that the most advanced, evidence-based education is provided. Lifelong learning and the advancement of education is integrated throughout the curriculum and the philosophy of the school. To learn more about the school, visit their homepage.

Caption: Top Row (left to right):  Sydney Auen, Mary Helen Waltjen, Hannah Rossi, Hanna Wenerd, Kasey McNatt, Logan Clark, Francesco Malone, Rita Thompson. Middle Row (left to right):  Kaegen Brittingham, Kali Barnes, Samantha Roberts, Emily Rudis, Lucy Siranides, Alyssa Vitella, Gracie Brewster, Elani Russell, Catharine Cardellino. Front Row (left to right):  Natali Ricks, Alexis Porohnavi, Sophia Fitler, Sheila Velasquez-Diaz, Kaitlyn Stahre.