Our lives are fleeting. I learned a memorable lesson about what is most important in life while on a recent week-long trip with Peter to London, England. The focus of our travels was to observe the 123rd annual London to Brighton Veteran Car Run, which takes place on the first Sunday in November. I
I escorted a visitor from a bank of interior elevators to the front entrance of my hospital the other day. Besides the fact that I've never been a fan of simply pointing directions to a guest anywhere, I was trained during my very first healthcare job to always walk, never point. So, it's second
It’s July and just like every July, I cannot believe it’s July already! I look forward to summer so much that I’m in shock when July rolls around! How can it be July already? Summer just started and it already feels like the end of summer is near. The fourth of July is a milestone that seems to make
I could hear the buildup in her voice—the anger and resentment. The voicemail I received from a patient, whom I knew pretty well, started out relatively reserved, but by the end she was emphatically yelling into the receiver. In all honesty, I’m sure it was easier for her to yell at a machine than
Given that Thanksgiving falls in this month, and given that it is a gentle reminder to count your blessings, although we really should do it every day, it was fitting that my topic should be about gratitude! I have had a recent life experience that has compelled me to look at my personal gratitude
Beebe Medical Foundation Awarded $250,000 Grant from the Franklin P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation The Beebe Medical Foundation and Beebe Healthcare are proud to announce a $250,000 grant award from the Franklin P. and Arthur W. Perdue Foundation to support the new Specialty Surgical Hospital to
Beebe Medical Foundation hosted its Loyalty Society Breakfast at the Lewes Yacht Club on April 19. The annual event celebrates loyal and generous donors who have given to Beebe for at least three consecutive years. “Everyone here has consistently shown they believe in Beebe,” said Judy L. Aliquo
10th Annual Michael A. Ruddo Golf Tournament The 10th Annual Michael A. Ruddo Golf Tournament was held on Friday, May 11 at the picturesque Newport Bay course at Ocean City Golf Club. The tournament benefits the endowment fund set up by the Ruddo Family in honor of Mike and the great care he
Beebe Auxiliary by the numbers: 232 active members, 85 new members this year, 28,500 hours contributed. And all at the young age of 82. The Beebe Auxiliary has been contributing to Beebe Healthcare in a vast number of ways for its 82-year history, and these are just a few shared by outgoing
At an April 12 event at Rehoboth Beach Country Club, Beebe Healthcare and Beebe Medical Foundation honored physicians who have served at Beebe for more than 25 years. During the evening, Jeffrey M. Fried, President and CEO of Beebe Healthcare, recognized the doctors for their commitment and thanked