Thankful and grateful are more than just words
By Kay Young

As the executive director of development for Beebe Medical Foundation, I am honored to be a part of the many ways in which this philanthropic community demonstrates its gratitude for Beebe Healthcare.
The title of the foundation’s newest campaign says it all: Sussex Supports Beebe Healthcare.
Members of this community write articles every week to celebrate the excellent care my fellow Beebe team members provide. So, at this time when we all focus on giving thanks, I wanted to say how very thankful I am for the many ways that Sussex County continues to take excellent care of Beebe.
For more than 100 years, local individuals and organizations have volunteered, made financial gifts, attended events and created their own events to benefit Beebe. The community’s investment of time and financial resources allows Beebe to grow and expand care for those who live, work and visit here. And this circle of taking care of each other is worth celebrating.
A few years ago, the community helped raise over $46 million to support Beebe. That community investment built a new emergency department and cancer center in Millville, plus a new specialty surgical hospital at Beebe’s Rehoboth Health Campus, and funded renovations and upgrades to the Margaret H. Rollins Lewes Campus.
The community continues to raise funds to support all of our critical programs and services, including Beebe’s new R. Randall Rollins Center for Medical Education, the Beebe Center for Breast Health, Beebe’s Cardiovascular Services and Beebe’s Population Health programs.
This support has already resulted in Beebe’s first Community Mobile Health Clinic. This 36-foot, clinically ready vehicle will be deployed throughout Sussex County. It will bring care out into the community, connecting people to treatment and support resources as they transition from a life of addiction into a life of treatment and recovery. This is just another way the community provides excellent care to Beebe and Beebe provides excellent care to the community.
I am thankful and grateful to work in such a philanthropic community full of members who truly embrace the value and importance of supporting their healthcare system in so many ways. I am also thankful and grateful for the excellent care that Beebe provides to the community in return.
As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of the community it serves. To make a gift to celebrate the excellent care you or a loved one has received, visit Beebe Medical Foundation at or call 302-644-2900. Want to share your story? Contact Amanda Neal at [email protected].