Beebe Healthcare Selected by CMS as BPCI Advanced First Round Participant
Beebe Healthcare is proud to announce its recent acceptance into the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced Model (BPCI Advanced) by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. Innovative models of care such as BPCI Advanced can motivate healthcare providers to furnish services efficiently, to better coordinate care, and to improve the quality of care.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) last January announced a new voluntary episode payment model, Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced or the Model) that will test a new iteration of bundled payments for 32 clinical episodes and aim to align incentives among participating healthcare providers for reducing expenditures and improving quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries. The BPCI Advanced Model will begin on October 1, 2018 and run through December 31, 2023.
Healthcare providers in the program may either realize a gain or loss, based on how successfully they manage resources and total costs throughout each episode of care. The program also allows for providers and suppliers to coordinate and deliver care more efficiently and at a higher quality.
“As a community hospital, our management team and Board of Directors are allows looking for better ways to offer more efficient and higher quality care. Being a part of the Bundle Payment Care Improvement program over the past three years, we have been able to advance the care of many of our orthpaedic patients. Now that that program is over, we are excited to incorporate lessons learned into our BPCI Advanced program,” said Jeffrey Hawtof, MD, Vice President of Medical Operations and Informatics, Beebe Healthcare.
In the previous BPCI program, Beebe Healthcare participated in three bundles focusing on total joint replacement; in the new BPCI Advanced Program, Beebe will participate in five bundles, with the focus on cardiovascular and pulmonary.
CMS is committed to supporting healthcare providers who invest in practice innovation and care redesign, to better coordinate care, improve quality of care, and reduce expenditures. Beebe Healthcare is glad to work collaboratively with CMS to positively impact the lives of many Medicare beneficiaries.
Beebe Healthcare is a not-for-profit community healthcare system with a charitable mission to encourage healthy living, prevent illness, and restore optimal health for the people who live, work, and visit the communities we serve. The medical center in Lewes is a licensed 210-bed hospital with specialized service lines, including cardiac and vascular, surgical services, medical oncology/hematology and radiation oncology, women's health, and orthopaedic services. Outpatient facilities, conveniently located throughout Sussex County, provide primary care, walk-in care, lab, imaging, and physical rehabilitation services, in addition to Beebe’s home care services. For more information on services offered through Beebe, go to To find out how Beebe Healthcare is creating the next generation of care for the community, go to