A Polynesian luau: Beebe Beach Bash names co-chairs, theme for summer party
The dynamic duo of Jen Carroll and Robyn Rosenfeld-Aburrow will again co-chair Beebe Medical Foundation’s biggest party of the summer – 5th Annual Beebe Beach Bash.
This year’s Bash is a Polynesian theme. The evening will feature luau-style food, performers, dancing, music by The Funsters, live auction, and more.
“We are looking forward to bringing the Polynesian theme to life onboard the ferry,” Carroll said. “We have a lot of exciting things planned, including luau type food, Polynesian performers, and great auction items. We even have a few surprises up our sleeves.”
The Beebe Beach Bash will be held on Saturday, June 8, from 6-10:30 p.m. aboard a docked ferry at the Cape May-Lewes Ferry Terminal. This year, the event will continue in its tradition of supporting Beebe’s Emergency Department, and in addition to supporting the Lewes location, funds will also go to support the new Emergency Department being built at the South Coastal Health Campus near Millville. The South Coastal Emergency Department is slated to open in summer 2020.
“Beebe recently announced our largest expansion plans in our history, including adding an additional freestanding Emergency Department and Cancer Center to our new South Coastal Health Campus near Millville,” said Tom Protack, Vice President of Development, Beebe Medical Foundation. “At the same time, we continue to serve the growing numbers of patients who use our Lewes Emergency Department in the summer. This annual event is a great time for the community to come out and support their local not-for-profit healthcare system, while having a really fun evening.”
VIP guests receive reserved parking and will board the ferry at 6 p.m. to enjoy an hour and a half of private entertainment, premium liquor, and hors d’oeuvres in the vessel’s crow’s nest. VIP guests have access to the crow’s nest throughout the evening and will enjoy VIP bars on the main deck.
General boarding guests will enjoy convenient parking in the terminal’s main parking lots and will board the ferry at 7:30 p.m. General boarding guests will enjoy three hours of dancing, dining, auctions, and more. Tickets are on sale now: www.beebemedicalfoundation.org.
“We are so fortunate to have many generous, community-minded individuals and businesses who support Beebe and make the Bash such a success each year,” said Rosenfeld-Aburrow. “We thank all of our generous sponsors and local businesses who will make this year’s Bash the best ever!”
To learn more about how you can sponsor and support the Beebe Beach Bash this year, contact the Beebe Medical Foundation at 302-644-2900 or visit www.beebemedicalfoundation.org.
Caption: Pictured left to right: Jen Carroll, Event Co-Chair; Tom Protack, Vice President of Development, Beebe Medical Foundation; Robyn Rosenfeld-Aburrow, Event Co-Chair.