When I was 25 years old, I married a Norwegian who told me about hiking across the Hardangervidda mountain plateau in Norway: How it was a place of rolling mountains, lakes, glaciers and endless skies. How it is a trip you take over several days, staying at remote and rustic lodges. Since we only
You’ve likely heard the saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” While that may be cliché, as with most clichés, its roots ring true. As we age, we often get stuck in our routine. We go to the same restaurants, visit the same friends, and take the same vacations. There’s nothing like an
When it comes to overall health and wellness, so much informs our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. It’s what we see, hear, taste, see and simply… what we experience. And, it starts from the very beginning. When I think about my own journey as a mother to my two sons, I tend to look at everything I