Most of my maternity leave passed in what felt like real time – sleep deprived, milk-covered, wonderful real time. But the last month or so flew. Each time I entered my leave into Beebe’s payroll system, I was reminded of exactly how much precious time I had left. There was a big part of me that was
Oh, the things a person purchases thanks to Amazon Prime. My ordering once got to the point that I was racing home before my husband so that I could sneak the wonderful packages inside and put them away. And when he would ask, “When did we get that?” I would simply reply, “We’ve had that for years.”
July is National Cord Blood Awareness Month. Many of us have heard of cord blood banking, but most people are not aware of what it actually means and the intended usage. Cord blood banking is the process of preserving the newborn’s stem cells found in the blood of the umbilical cord and the placenta
You look at that word—phthalates—and your eyes and brain do not connect. What exactly does that say? It just looks wrong! Phthalates (THAL ates) are known endocrine disruptors. They are linked with birth defects, breast cancer, infertility, liver cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, and ADHD