Beebe Lab Express-Millsboro, 28538 DuPont Blvd, MIllsboro
Free FLU and Covid-19 Clinic, Beebe Lab Express Millsboro, Wednesday, October 20
Beebe Lab Express-Millsboro, 28538 DuPont Blvd, MIllsboro
Beebe is offering FREE flu clinics for those in the community to be vaccinated against influenza or flu. These clinics are for those 18 years of age or older.
All clinics are free of charge. Appointments are not required. Vaccines are available to adults aged 18 years and older. High dose vaccines are available while supplies last.
COVID-19 vaccines will also be available to those eligible for third doses or boosters, as well as first or second doses.
For more information or if you have questions, call our flu hotline 302-291-6FLU (6358).