Test: Carotid Duplex Scan
Indication: Symptoms related to Carotid disease: e.g., TIA (lateralizing and non-lateralizing), stroke, syncope, or carotid bruit
Upper Extremity Arterial
Test: TOS Survey (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
Indication: Symptoms suggestive of thoracic outlet syndrome: e.g., arm/shoulder pain, numbness, or weakness with activity
Test: Arm Pressure & PVR (Pulse Volume Recording)
Indication: Symptoms related to subclavian or brachial artery occlusion: e.g., arm pain or numbness, especially with exertion
Test: Vasospasm Testing, with or without ice water immersion
Indication: Symptoms related to cold intolerance, Raynaud's phenomenon, finger/toe ulcers, etc.
Lower Extremity Arterial
Test: PVR (Pulse Volume Recording) resting or with exercise If patient has a cardiac history, please schedule exercise PVR through cardiac lab (302) 645-3258.
Indication: Symptoms suggestive of arterial insufficiency: e.g., pain in legs with walking, decreased pulse, rest pain, ulceration, blue toes, or finger/toe ulcers
Test: Graft Patency
Indication: History of previous femoro-popliteal or distal bypass graft
Venous Disease
Test: Venous Duplex Scan
Indication: Suspected DVT (blood clot) in lower extremity (iliac, femoral, popliteal) or upper extremity (subclavian, axillary) veins. Serial followup of clot resolution following lytic therapy.
Test: PPG (Photoplethysmography)
Indication: Venous ulceration or suspected chronic venous insufficiency
Visceral Vessels
Test: Renovascular Hypertension Study
Indication: Suspected renovascular hypertension
Test: Celiac, Superior Mesenteric, Inferior Mesenteric Artery Scans
Indication: Suspected mesenteric ischemia, abdominal bruit, abdominal angina
Test: Portal Vessels
Indication: Suspected portal vessel thrombosis