What You Should Know About Cyberbullying
Common signs of cyberbullying include becoming easily upset or angered, and suddenly withdrawing from social situations. Victims may also experience depression and stress symptoms such as headaches,stomach aches, and nausea.
According to Cape Wellness Center’s JoAnn Kirker Economos, FNP-BC, local schools are taking a role in tackling cyberbullying at the source.
“We discuss safe interactions online, as well as the consequences of participating in risky communications,” JoAnn says. “Health classes within the high school and school resource officers also address this issue.”
If you suspect that your child is being bullied, create a safe space and take time to talk openly about their online behavior. Monitoring online activity and controlling technology use can also help you to identify and address potential issues before they get out of control.
Is Your Child the Cyberbully?
According Lisa Rector, a Clinical Social Worker at the Sussex Central High School Wellness Center, a good rule of thumb is to notice if your child has been the “common denominator” in a few or more instances of conflict. “It can be hard to think that your child might be a bully, but it is important to talk to your child, the school, friends, or others if your child’s name continues to show up in conflicts,” Lisa says.