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Beebe Healthcare Opens Healthy Way on Rehoboth Health Campus

Ribbon cutting ceremony for Healthy Way

Beebe Healthcare has opened Health Way, which is the new street running from Warrington Road to the Specialty Surgical Hospital and then connecting to the existing buildings on the Rehoboth Health Campus.

Beebe team members voted on the name of the roadway and the address number of the new Specialty Surgical Hospital – 19161 Healthy Way is a nod to the healthcare system’s founding in 1916.

“I want to thank all the partners who have collaborated in the many months leading up to the festivities for Healthy Way and the Specialty Surgical Hospital. DelDOT, Whiting-Turning, Becker-Morgan, Corrado Construction Company, and of course Team Beebe have all played critical roles,” said David A. Tam, MD, MBA, CPHE, FACHE, President & CEO, Beebe Healthcare. “19161 Healthy Way is a nod to Beebe’s 100-plus year legacy of healthcare in Sussex County. That continues today on the Rehoboth Health Campus, as the Specialty Surgical Hospital will become a centerpiece of our extensive surgical offerings.”

An open house at the Specialty Surgical Hospital is slated for Saturday, March 19, before its grand opening in May 2022. Tour registration is required for the safety of guests.

“On behalf of Beebe’s Board, we are so excited to welcome the community to the Specialty Surgical Hospital,” said Terry Megee, Board Chair, Beebe Healthcare Board of Directors. “The Surgical Hospital illustrates Beebe’s approach, where we are creating access to the highest quality care for our community. We understand that Sussex County not only expects the best when it comes to surgical care – it deserves it.”

The Specialty Surgical Hospital at the Rehoboth Health Campus has been years in the making thanks in large part to community and philanthropic support.

“What a wonderful way to begin celebrating this accomplishment with the opening of Healthy Way and honoring Beebe’s legacy,” said Tom Protack, President, Beebe Medical Foundation. “On behalf of Beebe Medical Foundation, thank you for your continued support to make Beebe’s continued growth possible.”

Caption: Holding the banner left to right: Paul Horning, Whiting-Turner; Regina Newell MSN, RN, ONC, Director Specialty Surgical Hospital; Mark Loukides, VP of Facilities; Terry Megee, Board Chair; Mike Meoli, Vice Chair; David A. Tam, MD, President & CEO; Tom Protack, President, Beebe Medical Foundation; Paul Peet, MD, President of the Medical Staff; Kathryn Beasley, Community Relations Officer, DelDOT.