Unused or Expired Medication? Saturday, April 29 is National Drug Take Back Day
Beebe Healthcare in partnership with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency encourages local residents to turn in their unused or expired medication for safe disposal on Saturday, April 29 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., in recognition of the 13th National Drug Take Back Day. Sponsored by the DEA, the program aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse and medications.
The Beebe Collection Site is in the Main Lobby of Tunnell Cancer Center on John J. Williams Highway in Rehoboth Beach. However, there are several other drop-off locations so visit DEA to find out the closest collection site to you.
Beebe Healthcare’s Pharmacy Director, Sam Robert says, “This provides the opportunity for folks to turn in unused drugs, no questions asked, for disposal. The process protects the water supply from being contaminated with various medications because of improper disposal and also helps keep unused medications out of the hands of youngsters which could be toxic or have the potential for abuse.”
The DEA hosts two take back days each year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The DEA reports that, since program’s inception in 2010, more than 3,601 tons of prescription medications have been collected and disposed of at Take Back events across the country. More information on safe disposal tips on unused medicines can be found at FDA on topic of “How to Dispose of Unused Medicines.” Additional inquiries can also be made at 1-800-882-9539.
Beebe Healthcare is a not-for-profit community healthcare system with a charitable mission to encourage healthy living, prevent illness, and restore optimal health for the people residing, working, or visiting in the communities we serve. It offers services throughout Southern Delaware for residents and visitors, including a 210-licensed-bed hospital, a cancer treatment center, and outpatient facilities providing walk-in care, lab, imaging, and physical rehabilitation services. For more information, please visit us online at Beebe Healthcare.