When I was nine, I couldn’t wait to be 10. Turning the big double-digits was all I could think about for the six months before my birthday. When I turned ten, my Aunt Judee ( Judee, my fairy godmother, blog) took me to get my ears pierced. Ten was awesome. I was older, and when you’re a kid, that’s
Living with a chronic condition is a pain. Literally. According to the Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia is defined as widespread musculoskeletal pain along with fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. I’m pretty sure my husband would agree that I have mood issues. I would definitely agree that I have pain
The fourth of May reminded me of the Emily Dickenson poem, “A Light Exists in Spring:” “A Light exists in Spring Not present on the Year At any other period —" The temperatures that morning rose into the 70s as the sun’s rays lit up the skies, even as threatening clouds moved toward each other. The
While I am positive most of us don’t like to face it, we are not as agile as we used to be. Regularly practicing activities such as yoga, Thai Chi, Zumba, swimming, and power walking, definitely helps us keep in shape and better balanced. Watching what we eat helps, for sure. But at one point we