Beebe has offered cardiac diagnostics and monitoring since 1978. We've expanded our services to keep pace with new developments and technology. Today, our patients can count on the availability of a full range of testing and monitoring techniques.
- Coronary Catheterization Diagnostics
- Cardiac Stress Testing
- Ambulatory Heart Monitoring
- Echocardiogram Diagnostic Testing
- Tilt-table Studies
Coronary Catheterization Diagnostics
Coronary catheterization is often the best way for cardiologists to be sure of a preliminary diagnosis based on the less-invasive tests described below. When such tests are inconclusive, coronary catheterization may be able to show, with remarkable clarity, exactly what the problem is and where it is located.
After using local anesthesia on the patient, doctors insert a tiny, plastic tube, or catheter, through veins or arteries, directly into the chambers of the heart itself. Blood can be sampled for testing and pressures can be measured.
Then, by injecting special dye through the tube, the heart itself, and vital surrounding blood vessels, can be observed in action. Valve activity, blood flow, and blockages become visible through special X-ray monitoring screens. Diagnosis may be clarified and confirmed, and treatment options frequently become obvious to the experienced cardiologist.
The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis, and the patient should allow a full day for the procedure and recovery. Risks and complications from the procedure exist, but they are minimal. Be sure to ask your cardiologist if you would like to know more detail about the procedure.
Diagnostic Vascular Tests Performed
Test: Carotid Duplex Scan
Indication: Symptoms related to Carotid disease: e.g., TIA (lateralizing and non-lateralizing), stroke, syncope, or carotid bruit
Test: TOS Survey (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
Indication: Symptoms suggestive of thoracic outlet syndrome: e.g., arm/shoulder pain, numbness, or weakness with activity
Test: Arm Pressure & PVR (Pulse Volume Recording)
Indication: Symptoms related to subclavian or brachial artery occlusion: e.g., arm pain or numbness, especially with exertion
Test: Vasospasm Testing, with or without ice water immersion
Indication: Symptoms related to cold intolerance, Raynaud's phenomenon, finger/toe ulcers, etc.
Test: Carotid Duplex Scan
Indication: Symptoms related to Carotid disease: e.g., TIA (lateralizing and non-lateralizing), stroke, syncope, or carotid bruit
Upper Extremity Arterial
Test: TOS Survey (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
Indication: Symptoms suggestive of thoracic outlet syndrome: e.g., arm/shoulder pain, numbness, or weakness with activity
Test: Arm Pressure & PVR (Pulse Volume Recording)
Indication: Symptoms related to subclavian or brachial artery occlusion: e.g., arm pain or numbness, especially with exertion
Test: Vasospasm Testing, with or without ice water immersion
Indication: Symptoms related to cold intolerance, Raynaud's phenomenon, finger/toe ulcers, etc.
Lower Extremity Arterial
Test: PVR (Pulse Volume Recording) resting or with exercise If patient has a cardiac history, please schedule exercise PVR through cardiac lab (302) 645-3258.
Indication: Symptoms suggestive of arterial insufficiency: e.g., pain in legs with walking, decreased pulse, rest pain, ulceration, blue toes, or finger/toe ulcers
Test: Graft Patency
Indication: History of previous femoro-popliteal or distal bypass graft
Venous Disease
Test: Venous Duplex Scan
Indication: Suspected DVT (blood clot) in lower extremity (iliac, femoral, popliteal) or upper extremity (subclavian, axillary) veins. Serial followup of clot resolution following lytic therapy.
Test: PPG (Photoplethysmography)
Indication: Venous ulceration or suspected chronic venous insufficiency
Visceral Vessels
Test: Renovascular Hypertension Study
Indication: Suspected renovascular hypertension
Test: Celiac, Superior Mesenteric, Inferior Mesenteric Artery Scans
Indication: Suspected mesenteric ischemia, abdominal bruit, abdominal angina
Test: Portal Vessels
Indication: Suspected portal vessel thrombosis