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Women's Health Blog

Preparing for Your Baby’s Second Year: Milestones to Look For

The transition from immobile infant to "booting and scooting" toddler is a fast and fun one. There are so many exciting developments that happen during the second 12 months of your child’s life that we’ve put together a little overview for you to glance at in anticipation, or mark off as you go.

Keep in mind each child is different, and that some stages may happen earlier or later depending on the child. So if you have a second to peel your eyes away from your growing little one, here’s what you keep an eye out for:


12 Months

Happy birthday! Your precious little one is celebrating their first year. Watch as they begin to repeat actions and sounds and adopt traits like picking up and drinking from cups or pointing at things with their index finger. Here are some other things to look forward to:

  • Sitting up without help
  • The beginning stages of walking or standing
  • Stronger displays of emotion, such as anger or nervousness when held by strangers
  • Separation anxiety
  • More sounds, responses, and simple gestures like shaking their head or waving their hands
  • Attempts to say the words you say


18 Months

It’s a half-birthday celebration! Here’s what you can expect from your advancing toddler:

  • Ability to identify everyday things like a phone or spoon
  • Pointing to get attention
  • Walking on their own
  • Stringing together basic words
  • Drinking from a cup and eating with a spoon and fork on their own
  • More exploration and affection


24 Months

Your baby is now two, hooray for another birthday! You can anticipate:

  • Increasing independence
  • For them to speak short sentences (2-4 words_
  • More understanding when it comes to shapes and colors
  • Beginning stages of make believe and play
  • More running
  • Standing on tiptoes
  • Climbing on furniture

Personality, independence, and a lot of newfound movement are all things you can prepare for as your child ventures from the one- to two-year mark. More conversations, words, and imagination will also accompany this shift, along with some not so glamorous developments like possible temper tantrums, fits, and separation anxiety. Help your little one embrace each new stage of life by encouraging healthy habits and interactions by displaying safety and love through ample one-on-one time.

Cherish this season of life with your little one as you journey with them through the marvelous adventure of growing up.

Have questions about your baby’s health? Any of our pediatricians would be happy to help. Click here for a full list.