Your Child’s Development: Year 3
As a parent, you will experience a wide variety of emotions and triumphs during each new developmental milestone your child makes. Year three—months 24-36—offers no shortage of noteworthy moments. Embrace the thrill of watching your child accomplish a new skill or incorporate a new word into his or her vocabulary during this age.
There is so much to experience and navigate as your child develops a bigger personality and the ability to take part in more adventures. So get your camera out and start documenting these exciting moments as they arrive. Here's a helpful overview and reference for the common developmental patterns, skills, and milestones that you can look forward to while your child is in the 24-36 month age range.
24-36 Month Highlight Reel
- Longer, more complex sentences
- The ability to follow directions
- More physical activity such as climbing and jumping
- Dressing themselves
- Brushing teeth
- Washing and drying hands
- Comfortable walking up and down stairs
- Extended attention span and more comprehension
- More interest in socialization and playing with other kids
- Starting to use the potty
- Becoming more aware of routine and when things change
- Developing the ability to use different words/tones when talking to others
- Lots and lots of questions
24-28 Month Highlights
- Can name several body parts
- Can form short sentences
- Can dress and undress without help
- Can jump with both feet
- Can open and close doors
28-32 Month Highlights
- Can brush teeth with some help
- Can wash and dry hands
- Can draw a vertical line
- Can say their name
- Can draw a circle
32-36 Month Highlight
- Can name a color
- Can name a friend
- Can take part in simple conversation
- Can name at least two different types of actions like walking or climbing
- Can describe and distinguish multiple objects in-use
- Can form longer, more complex sentences
Three cheers for your 3-year-old!
As you cheer them on and provide them with a safe and nurturing environment, also remember that not all developmental phases happen at the same age. Everyone is different, and that is something to celebrate. If you have questions about your child’s developmental milestones, call your doctor for more insight and information.